HYBMA 2023

Entrepreneurship & Innovation – Essential Skills for the Future

The legacy of the covid pandemic, the rising costs of living and changing technologies all contribute to the evolving employment landscape and the way in which our young people will engage with it. Recent studies* have shown that these circumstances have influenced the way people under the age of 24 perceive their future, with as many as 77 percent of Gen Zs having a strong preference for entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is seen as a way to diversify income streams, to follow your passions and to have more control over your life. The covid pandemic adversely affected our young workers who bore the brunt of 55 percent of the job losses despite only making up 14 percent of the market. This had a significant impact and resulted in many changing their priorities. Gen Z now values passion and work/life balance over everything else, including financial reward, and much more so than previous generations.

Add into this equation the effects of changes to technology and the rise in AI and it’s easy to understand why young people want to have more control over their choices. In terms of traditional employment, many of the jobs our children will work in actually don’t exist yet. Then there are the opportunities that AI opens up for tech savvy innovators. 

According to Peter F Drucker of the Harvard Business Review: “Innovation is the specific function of entrepreneurship, … It is the means by which the entrepreneur either creates new wealth-producing resources or endows existing resources with enhanced potential for creating wealth.”

In other words, you can’t really be an entrepreneur without embracing the need for creative thinking and innovation. So as the world continues to evolve, our young people will need to cultivate skills that will empower them to thrive in a landscape of constant change. Entrepreneurial thinking and innovation, along with flexibility and resilience are critical skills to develop for future success.

The Hunter Young Business Mind Awards (HYBMA) has been providing a showcase opportunity for children and young people under the age of 25 to develop entrepreneurial projects since 2017. Young people are encouraged to enter a business idea, design a new product or showcase a creative project for a chance to win $1000 of seed funding and recognition at an industry networking awards night. It’s not just about winning an award; it’s about taking a step closer to a future where their ideas can make a difference.

In 2018, Belmont Christian College year 11 students won two awards. The Business Studies teacher, Mr Ross Urane, recommends the awards to students and teachers at other schools and already has students who have entered this year.

“Anything that inspires our young people is great,” said Mr Urane.  “These awards deliver the opportunity for innovative thinking and problem solving … something that will become critically important in their future. We already run a Shark Tank expo where students pitch their ideas, so entering the pitch into the awards is not difficult.”

There is also an opportunity to network with industry at the awards night.

“The awards night is more than just a ceremony; it’s an opportunity for students to connect with local professionals who have already made their mark,” said Tricia Martin, CEO of Nudge On, Digital Learning and Employment Solutions Consultancy and Chair of the HYBMA Sub Committee. “It’s a chance to network and seek advice, bridging the gap between classroom projects and real-world applications. Even the venue, the Q Building, adds an exciting dimension. As the entrepreneurial hub of Newcastle, it’s the perfect place to showcase projects and make connection with local industry leaders.”

HYBMA provides parents and teachers with the resources needed to encourage the young people in their lives to enter the awards, to have a go and see where their ideas can take them. Categories include Sustainability, Creative Industries, Design & Technology, Social Enterprise, and Business. To enter, students prepare a simple pitch deck and a two-minute video and submit through the website at Entries close on October 9 and the awards night will be held on November 15.

*The studies referred to: GoDaddy/Antenna 2023 Research; Frontline Recruitment Group January 2023; The Square Gen Z Survey by Wakefield Research April 2023

HYBMA 2023

Empowering Student Creativity



This year, the Hunter Young Business Minds Awards (HYBMA) have introduced two fresh categories: Design and Technology and Creative Industries. These additions offer Hunter students working on major projects or Personal Inquiry Projects a practical opportunity to bring their ideas to life and the world of industry.

For students undertaking Design and Technology, the Design and Technology category is a golden opportunity to showcase their expertise. Submitting their works and projects to the HYBMA is not just about recognition; it’s about getting the support needed to turn innovative ideas into reality. Winning this category means receiving seed funding that can kickstart projects, turning classroom concepts into tangible products.

Similarly, the Creative Industries category celebrates students’ artistic and creative pursuits. Whether it’s an innovative approach to set design, an artwork, or an entrepreneurial solution to support the creative arts, this category acknowledges the power of creativity across fields. For Visual Arts, Music, Visual Design, Textiles and Design and Drama Studies students, this award offers a steppingstone to take creative projects further, with the potential to secure resources or collaborate with professionals.

The awards night, due to be held on November 15, is more than just a ceremony; it’s an opportunity for students to connect with local professionals who have already made their mark. It’s a chance to network and seek advice, bridging the gap between classroom projects and real-world applications. Even the venue, the Q Building, adds an exciting dimension. As the entrepreneurial hub of Newcastle, it’s the perfect place to showcase projects and make connections. This is a unique chance for students to present their work in a dynamic environment, preparing them for potential interactions with local industry leaders.

In a nutshell, the new Design and Technology and Creative Industries categories of the HYBMA provide a practical pathway for students to turn their ideas into something real. Whether it’s designing a new product or showcasing a creative project, these categories offer recognition, funding, and a platform to connect with industry experts. It’s not just about winning an award; it’s about taking a step closer to a future where their ideas can make a difference.

Entries close on October 9.

HYBMA 2021

2021 Hunter Young Business Mind Award Winners​

Congratulations to all the winners of this year’s Hunter Young Business Mind Awards. Check out this lovely article about the winners!