
The HYBMA are made possible through the support of Hunter businesses like yours. This is a unique opportunity to promote your organisation while supporting our next generation of creators, innovators, entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Illustrated hands up in the air


Contact liane.morris@careerlinks.nsw.edu.au for more information about becoming a 2024 sponsor!

A huge thanks to our 2023 sponsors from last year!

Support Levels and Investment

As a HYMBA sponsor, you have the chance to show your confidence in young people within the Hunter region and their development as creators, innovators and entrepreneurs of the future.

Identify your business as a leader in innovation across the five
categories being awarded. Support young people and be a part of the
development and empowerment of our region’s NextGen innovators,
creators and business leaders. It’s time to lift up our youth, to help them grow and prosper in a way that meets the future demands of our rapidly changing contemporary business and employment environment. Our kids deserve no less.

We are seeking sponsorship in the following categories:

Sponsorship Level & Investment

Sponsorship LevelInvestment
Gold Sponsor x 2$3,800 (GST N/A)
Silver Sponsor x 8$2,500 (GST N/A)
Partners (inkind) x 4Value Add

gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Inclusions Sponsorship Packages

Gold Sponsor

$ 3,800
  • x 4 Complimentary tickets to Hunter Young Business Mind Awards
  • Speech up to 5 minutes on the presentation night
  • Presentation of Awards
  • Acknowledgement of sponsorship in all media releases and publications
  • Logo and banner inclusion in function room during awards presentation
  • 5 Unique social media posts that align your business with the award categories on all HYBMA platforms
  • Article in the HYBMA newsletter
  • Marketing analysis report following completion of the awards
  • Liking and sharing of your social media content promoting your support on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram
  • Printed logo on the souvenir program
  • Business logo printed on winners certificates
  • Media kit will be provided for internal and external promotions

Silver Sponsor

$ 2,500
  • x 2 Complimentary tickets to Hunter Young Business Mind Awards
  • Presentation of Awards
  • Acknowledgement of sponsorship in all media releases and publications
  • Logo and banner inclusion in function room during awards presentation
  • 3 Unique social media posts that align your business with the award categories on all HYBMA platforms
  • Acknowledgement post in the HYBMA newsletter
  • Marketing analysis report following completion of the awards
  • Liking and sharing of your social media content promoting your support on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram
  • Printed logo on the souvenir program
  • Business logo printed on winners certificates
  • Media kit will be provided for internal and external promotions

How to get involved

To register your interest or for more information, please contact:

Liane Morris
YBMA Project Manager
0404 881 455